The day of the Lord

How is it that hearing heartfelt expressions of love and care expressed by family and friends can produce feelings of real tension? Like a dear friend says, "Oh I am so glad you are safe." and in turn that brings even the sensation of a guilty feeling. 

There has been the need to BE GRATEFUL that God provided refuge for us, even when so many of our Haitian co-workers, friends, and acquaintances have no choice or opportunity to 'escape' the troubled place in which they live. MAN! How can it be?

Many people who know us, know Many Hands, know the work God has called us to, have expressed it well... "I am glad you're here, BUT I am sorry you're here." That kind of sums it up. 

While worshipping on Good Friday, a song based on Psalm 37, titled "The Day of the Lord" from the above worship album, really spoke to the current 'wrestling' of emotion in our hearts.

What an encouragement to know... It's not long till the Day of the Lord!

MH planned out the timing for the start of our 'New Community Conversation' series for Savan Tabak  for after the suspension bridge repairs were complete. Here the final touches are happening the very day of the FIRST in the series.  

A great turn out with over 130 local community members present to hear about the subject for the day, led by MH Spiritual Department, "The Importance of Children According to the Word of God". 

We are able to keep well connected with MH staff. I was talking on the phone with Many Hands lead Chaplain, Pastor Jean-Ronel, about the current state of things in and around the area where MH works. I asked him what he would say to encourage supporters of the work of MH to not lose HOPE, to STAY with us. 

He sent these pictures... and added this response... "I would like to show, despite the country's difficulties, MH "ap frape!", 'is knocking it out!' "  He said, "As you can see here, our whole team is knocking it out in each community. Even though things are hard, we continue to encourage and support people in the ways we are able. These pictures can help tell our friends that support us, even though you hear so much bad news from Haiti, you must continue to support us, because as MH, we represent the hands and feet of Jesus. 'Bondye Beni Nou', God Bless You all."

This is Jean-Ronel early Monday morning, on his way to the Love in Action center in Jean Boule after a much needed, beautiful pre-season rain. He led the Jean Boule staff (pictured below) in devotions to share how they can utilize the MH produced "Plan of Salvation" book.

Here Jean-Ronel uses the beautifully repaired bridge to travel to the MBM Love in Action Center Tuesday morning to train the staff there on the "Plan of Salvation' book. And below, the same topic was shared with the Maliarette staff. Many Hands is being clear on what is expected of ALL MH Staff... evangelism is not only the responsibility of the pastors!

Some computer function issues were being reported last week by the First Thousand Days secretary. Craig would typically be the IT guy. This was an opportunity to engage the service of a local Haitian man with knowledge on computer issues. We are very grateful that the issue was resolved and the computer is back to be used for tracking data for the First Thousand Days program. 

With the price of gas being sky-high, we are careful to track WHO and HOW MUCH on gas usage. 

Good Friday was a travel day for us, driving from Holland, MI to Okoboji, IA. 657 miles according to Google Maps! My idea was some solid reading time in a new book I had started earlier in the week. 

During the drive, we encountered TRAFFIC around Chicago. Then came a WhatsApp phone call from MH Nurse Monette. She is the nurse that does all the prenatal care for the pregnant women in the program. She wanted to report that Mikerlande, one of the women in the MBM center who was 3 months pregnant, was experiencing some difficulty that deserved attention. Nurse Monette had told the woman's husband that they needed to go to the hospital. They didn't have money and had no way of seeking the critical medical help. 

Nurse Monette was calling to ask if it would be possible for MH to assist the family. Even though Good Friday is a national Haitian holiday I began making the necessary arrangements. And here is how it went....

The first thing was to try to contact Jean Rene to coordinate transportation, but his phone is not good so I couldn't reach him via WhatsApp. I told Monette to call Jean Rene and tell him he should go to Kalo's house and ask to borrow Kalo's phone and call me. Monette calls back to say she can't reach Jean Rene. So I try calling Kalo. No answer. Next I message a friend, Gedeon, who lives close by Jean Rene. I message Herby who typically will respond to WhatsApp. I message Yves, Kethlin, and Jean Rubert, telling each of them I need to reach Jean Rene. Jean Rene gets word and goes to Kalo's house, he calls me but the signal isn't strong enough, So he goes to Jean Rubert's house. Calls me. We talk and determine that Jean Rene would arrange transportation from MH to the hospital in Hinche. Jean Rene can do that but he doesn't have minutes on his phone.

We have set up that managers get a certain amount of phone minutes each month to use. Micul distributes that. I knew Jean-Ronel had given Micul money in the last couple of days but guess he hadn't yet gotten minutes to Jean Rene. So I tell Jean Rene to talk to Micul to get his minutes. He does that. I say I will try to call my friend in Hinche, Eliamene, who often helps us out at the hospital. I can't reach her so I talk to Jean Rene again. All this is interspersed with calls to Monette to fill her in on our progress.

Jean Rene calls Eliamene on her regular phone number at the same time he is using WhatsApp with ME on Jean Rubert's smart phone. Jean Rene puts his phone with Eliamene on the other end up to the smart phone with ME on the other end. I can talk to Eliamene and verify that she is available to help!

Jean Rene then arranged the transportation and an envelope with a little cash to take care of food and hospital expenses. WHEW! this is how it goes!! Mikerlande, the pregnant lady, arrived at MH campus with a family member, they traveled to the hospital, met up with Eliamene yet that afternoon.

The following day Monette called to say the Doctor had seen Mikerlande. He wanted her to stay close to the hospital and scheduled a test for Tuesday next week. Eliamene will continue to watch out for Mikerlande. 

We are "Knocking it out!"  Monette had sent a follow up message to say a new baby had just been born to a family in the MBM program.. She said that makes 12 babies since the MBM center opened this past September. AND according to my records, MH has offered extra assistance to nearly half of those!

OUR Easter celebration with family included an amazing vegetable basket!

We made Resurrection Rolls

A Crescent roll baked with a marshmallow sealed up inside... After it is baked... 

Just like Jesus' tomb after his Resurrection.... It's EMPTY!

Because Jesus is ALIVE, 'Put your trust in the Savior and cling to His hand. When your heart burns with anger for all that is wrong, Do not let the dark steal your song. It's not long till the Day of the Lord! Everything that is broken will soon be restored. It's not long till the Day of the Lord!' 

("The Day of the Lord" by Wendell Kimbrough)
