Take a look at the view through the window of our main administrative workspace in the guesthouse on Many Hands Campus. Most of the time you could label this space "Grand Central Station". It is where all the swirl of MH ministry in Haiti comes and goes. Then one step outside the front door is...
You may have heard us use the term Paradise of Poverty to describe where we live and work.
Part of the 'Paradise' aspect for us is the way in which we are supported in prayer, not only by dear family and friends in the US, also by many friends and MH staff right here in our neighborhood.
For the past three weeks, Craig has been in Ft Pierce, FL getting all arrangements in place with a cancer center so that he can receive the IVIG infusion that he is told he needs on a monthly basis. Since the onset of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, the oncologist has reported Craig's 'immunoglobulin' is low and the 'treatment' is the IVIG infusion.
After much effort and much patience, the long awaited treatment was scheduled for 9:15 am today, Friday, February 21. I get a message at 9:19 am saying... "Bloodwork shows the immunoglobulin level looks good. No need for the infusion. Come back in two months."
As much as we would have REALLY liked to know that sooner... We can only give GOD all the praise and honor and glory for this unbelievable occurrence.
Below is a group of women that are bound together as a group of praying warriors. I had been asked if the group could come to MH and pray for the organization and for us personally. Monday afternoon, February 17, by 2:30 this is what was taking place right on MH Main Campus.
This is amazing - both the report for Craig and the group of ladies praying. Wow... God is good and continues to bless in powerful ways. What a testimony to God's faithfulness that 80 ladies came and prayed for 2 hours. My prayers continue - love you both.