Seeing God!
The other night the team that is here put together some bags of school supplies that will be given to primary school kids at a local school. The items are a combination of things this team brought along with things a previous team brought. 110 bags were ready plus 8 bags for the teachers. The group visited the school on Tuesday morning and learned there were 121 students present. We began to consider our options so that each
student would get a bag. Maybe God would
multiply the bags so that each student would walk home with some valuable
supplies. There were 10 children present
at school that live together in an orphanage so it was determined that we could
take bags to their orphanage home later in the afternoon.
The team went about sharing the bags of
school supplies, and suckers, class by class while the 10 kids from the orphanage sat together
outside, graciously waiting for the afternoon gift.
There in the suitcase, after each student in
the classrooms had a bag, were… (yep, you guessed it…) were 10 bags!! Each team member looked around at the other
with amazement and big smiles. We love
how God works with mystery! Amazing mystery!
Praise the Lord!
Seeing God!
Small correction....Soup pou Malad (soup for the sick might sound better!)
The cooks have been a blessing to the woman that has been eating the soup they have been making. BUT, as it is with many situations, the more you give in service to God to bless others, the more blessed you feel yourself. Such is the case for Beatrice and Evenie and their Meals on Wheels soup effort.
They wrote the recipe out and Woody, one of the MH staff, was looking to translate what he could into English. As you might guess, there are many of the ingredients that might not have an English name!
Soup pou Malad
Viann Kabwit (Goat
meat) Fèy liann
*Bannan Miskaj (Big Plantain) Fèy etina
*Bannan Poban (Fat
Plantain) *Fèy chou
(in the center)
*Bannan Zedinèt
(Small Plantain) Fèy
Malanga Fèy
*Mazanbèl Fèykieson
Yanm *Donbòy
Farina (in the bowl)
*Kawòt (Carrot)
*Pòmedetè (Potato)
* (list above top to bottom pictured clockwise)
Besides building up the ones serving, the soup seems to be doing just what we hoped for the woman who is sick. She is getting stronger day by day. It is evident each time we do a meal delivery.
In the process of getting the recipe ready to "publish" here and getting the pictures ready, the cooks have been peeking to see just 'what is this'? that we are doing!! They looked at the picture of the ingredients and showed one more vegetable they have today. They brought out one "Malanga" so we took another picture. the picture the vegetable doesn't really look like something you would eat. More like something you might need to.... well.... um... how should we say.... flush. ha!
Seeing God!
Another situation where some simple resources and knowledge can make such a HUGE difference is with a young man who experienced serious injury from a live electrical wire.
His name is Limas Dugue. His wife, Philomise Seneya, and 20 month old baby girl named Rith-Naida Sanaelle Dugue live in a small 2 room house in the countryside. Limas had spent about 2 weeks in the local hospital and had just returned home the day before we met him. The team that is currently here is blessed to have 4 women that have nurses training.
His burn wounds were healing pretty well but had a couple of open places that were still draining. The place that concerned us the most was the bottom of one foot. looking at the location of the burns it is as though the electrical shock went through his body, down his leg and 'out' the bottom of his foot. Yowzer!
We felt he and his wife needed to have instruction on keeping the wound clean and access to bandages and ointment. We returned to their house later the same day with clean water, small towels, bed sheets, gauze, cloth tape, triple antibiotic ointment and clean socks
One of the other gals is using her knowledge to fill ziploc bags with the things they would use to treat the wounds. One bag for each day. He has one place on his chest that is also draining so we are going back with several clean t-shirts that teams have left behind so that a dirty shirty isn't rubbing against the open wound.
In each of these encounters we have been - Seeing GOD!
Yours, O Lord, are the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is yours; yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might; and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. And now, our God, we give thanks to you and praise your glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:11-13
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