How is it that TIME can seem to stand still and then it races past quicker than a blink? This is certainly the phenomenon of TIME that applies to us right now. We are back in Haiti, now returning to the ministry work there. This plan is in place through prayer, from being in conversation with MH Haitian staff, and working with MH Board. 

God’s Word inspires and uplifts ALL THE TIME…The Nations Called to Praise God

"God keep us near your mercy-fountain and bless us! 

And when you look down on us, may your face beam with joy! 

Selah - Pause in His presence

Send us out all over the world so that everyone everywhere will discover your ways 

and know who you are and see your power to save.

Let all the nations burst forth with praise; let everyone everywhere love and enjoy you! 

Then how glad the nations will be when you are their King. 

They will sing, they will shout, for you give true justice to the people. 

Yes! You, Lord, are the shepherd of the nations! 

Selah - Pause in His presence

No wonder the peoples praise you! Let all the people praise you more! 

The harvest of the earth is here! 

God, the very God we worship, keeps us satisfied at this banquet of blessings." 

                                                                                        Psalms 67

We go very eager to join the Haitian staff in following the will of God our Father. For the people of Haiti this is an intensely perplexing TIME. We hear of current signs that show some Haitians are turning to Voodoo practices to seek answers of how to get out of their hard-pressed situation. There is opportunity to show that JESUS ONLY can work good in the midst of this hot mess that squeezes into every aspect of the daily effort to survive.

Our desire is to encourage the Haitian staff to love and serve their neighbors and give witness to a new life in Christ. There is no more appropriate TIME than NOW to rejoice and steward resources and TIME in a way that brings GLORY TO GOD.

"The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. "                                                                                              1 Peter 4:7-10

We have been stateside since mid-March. In that TIME we have seen the Haitian staff do well in their individual roles. Our souls have been renewed with experiencing the fullness in love of family and friends. We pray that you feel God's ABUNDANT blessings just as we have felt.

The morning of Thursday, May 23, what a sight as we approached Cap Haitien on the Missionary Flights International DC3. GREEN! Rainy season has begun which is very evident! It is a good sign.

Once inside the airport we see something NEW. This sign is an advertisement for the Haitian version of DOOR DASH!  (OKAP is a nickname for the city of Cap Haitien)                       

Back on the runway to take off for the final landing in Pignon, we see this Sunrise Airways plane. We hear they currently have two flights each day into Cap Haitien. 

Next we see this World Food Program helicopter land. Most likely loaded with food supply.

Back in the air, the view is still green as we approach Pignon.

We landed on the grass strip in Pignon and were welcomed by MH Staff. Pictured here Boss Kalo who is head of Security and Jean Rene who is MH Safe Homes Coordinator.

Jean Rene expressed how happy he was that we were back on MH campus. He says they need to hear the encouragement and reassurance that they have all done a good job during the time we were away. He says it is kind of like parents giving children approval of a job well done. 

School is in session and the kids welcomed us as well. 

We can see the classic "degaje" method of the VERY resourceful Haitian people. This see saw is still 'see sawing' just in a new way.  Degaje means "Make do with whatever you have." and Haiti has ROCKS.

And here we go again with this bridge repair. My first real life experience is... this bridge is SO SOLID, you can hardly shake it even if you try!  This was Friday, on the way to the third community conversation in the new ZONE of Savan Tabak. The topic for this conversation was good nutrition: for everyone, for kids, for pregnant women. We also heard about proper nutrition and care for animals: Cows, goats, pigs. 

Pictured here, on the right, is Elanie. She is a young mother in the First Thousand Days program in Jean Boule. Last year MH began assisting Elanie at the Hospital in Hinche to line up surgery. She is suffering from a very enlarged goiter in her neck. At the time, we went through test after test to prepare for the operation. THEN, the LAST thing they do is give a pregnancy test. Sure enough, Elanie is pregnant. 

Fast forward to 2024, baby is 7 months old. Gramma is pictured on the left with my very good friend Eliamene in the center. Going through the whole process again, Elanie is scheduled for surgery this coming week. Eliamene has been helping MH with getting Elanie through this rigamarole. Nothing is easy.... including... see this baby bottle below which was purchased in a shop just across the road from the hospital... Elanie will not be able to nurse the baby for a time following the surgery, so MH is providing a small amount of baby formula to get them through along with a baby bottle. This is CLASSIC... an example of how hard life is here in every aspect. The markings on the baby bottle are UPSIDE DOWN.  😣
WHY!?!? does it have to be this way?

Sunday was Mother's Day here and it was the first time to attend the local 'Agape' Church since returning. The first song that was sung was very moving to the entire congregation. As Natasha, the song leader, began the song she encouraged the people to "Rele Sentispri a", to call on the Holy Spirit. The words to the song: "Sentispri mwen bezwen ou kounyea. Fe yon bagay nan lavi'm, ke ou poko janm fe, ou poko jamn fe."  'Holy Spirit I need you now. Do something in my life, that You have never done, you have never done.' Each day we do find a new challenge that needs attention. And each day God, through the Holy Spirit, gives the capacity to spur MH on to be LOVE IN ACTION. 

The second song: "Mwen bezwen Jezi, m bezwen Jezi kounyea. M bezwen li le soley leve. M bezwen li le gwo van soufle. Chak moman sou wout syel la, m bezwen Jezi."  'I need Jesus, I need Jesus now. I need Him when the sun rises. I need Him when a big wind blows. Each moment on the road to Heaven, I need Jesus.'

This is the way Haitian Christians stand up to the TEST of life during this TIME. 
